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Art Connects 
Grants For Artists


For artists residing in Albany, Columbia, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties

The Arts Center of the Capital Region is pleased to announce Art Connects, a grant program funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and the State of NY designed to support our regional artists.

The Art Connects Program seeks grant applicants of all skill levels, from emerging to more experienced artists, who seek new avenues of creative exploration. Our goal is to serve all artists, especially those in underserved and rural communities, as every artist, regardless of experience or background, deserves the opportunity to pursue their creative vision. The Arts Center believes that people define art in their own way and that every person’s artistic investigation and expression deserves respect.

The Arts Center of the Capital Region, through Arts Connects, builds on its long history of administering successful state funded sub-granting programs by expanding to include applicants in seven upstate counties that fall within a radius of 100 miles of our home in historic downtown Troy.

important dates

Application Opens: Thursday, September 5, 2024 

Final Application: Friday, November 1, 2024, 11:59pm EST

Award Notification: December 2025

Funding Period: January 1 – May 31, 2025

Guideline Seminars: September 17 and October 1 at 3:30pm – 4:30pm.

important Information

Grants Range $2,500–$5,000

Grants are awarded for Projects

Artists can apply for up to two projects and up to $5,000 in funding.

Full guidelines

In order to determine your eligibility, please read these grant guidelines carefully. The ACCR offers
free online seminars to help individuals learn how to apply.

Eligibility Guidelines

Applicants must:

  • Be current New York State Residents, at least 18 years of age at the time of application
  • Have primary residence in Albany, Columbia, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties
  • Provide proof of residency. Any one of the following documents including name and address dated no earlier than 12/31/23. Any information deemed private can be redacted:
  • Credit Card or Bank Statement (first page only; Social Security and Financial Information should be blocked)
  • Telephone Bill
  • NYS Driver’s License or State-issued ID Card with address
  • Voter Registration Card

NOT Eligible to Apply

The Arts Center Admin Staff or Board Members

  • Individuals not based in Albany, Columbia, Greene, Montgomery, Rensselaer, Saratoga, and Schenectady Counties
  • Student projects are not eligible for support

Previous recipients of Arts Center grants who have failed to provide final reports or other documentation, or have failed to comply with previous contracts

Evaluation Criteria
Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Artistic Merit: The artistic quality and innovation of the proposed project.
  • Career Development: Assess how the proposed project contributes to the artist’s career advancement.
  • Feasibility: The feasibility of the project within the grant period.
  • Budget: A well-defined and realistic budget plan.

Artistic Merit
Describe your project. Please focus on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and Originality: The project is unique and innovative, bringing fresh perspectives or approaches.
  • Artistic Vision: The project has a clear and compelling artistic vision that is well articulated in the application.
  • Skill and Execution: The artist demonstrates the technical skills required to successfully execute the project.

Career Development
Tell us how this project will advance your career. Please focus on the following criteria:

  • Career Milestones: The project helps the artist achieve specific career goals or milestones.
  • Visibility and Exposure: The project increases the artist’s visibility and presence in the art world or the public sphere.

Tell us how you are going to complete the project. Please focus on the following criteria:

  • Timeline: The project has a clear and realistic timeline for completion within the grant period.

Resource Availability: The artist has access to the necessary resources, including materials, space, and collaborators.
Previous Experience: The artist has a track record of successfully completing similar projects.

Budget information will be included within the application. A separate budget form is not required.
There is no match requirement for this grant or project.

  • Detailed Budget: The budget is detailed and itemized, with clear explanations for each expense.
  • Funding Allocation: The budget effectively allocates funds to cover all necessary aspects of the project. If project expenses are greater than the grant, tell us how you are going to source those funds.

Financial Viability: There is a plan for managing the project’s finances responsibly, ensuring that the grant funds are used effectively.

Required Supplemental Materials:

  • Current artist resume or CV
  • Links to website or socials containing current work
  • Artistic sample(s):
    Should represent work from the last 3 years
    No more than 5 labeled images in JPEG format uploaded through application site
    Performing Arts, Film, Media, etc.: Web links to clips hosted on external sites no more than 1 minute in length


Suggested Supplemental Materials

  • Recent articles, reviews, or media coverage of your work. These can showcase recognition and
    validation from the art community and beyond, adding an extra layer of credibility and visibility
    to your application.
  • Include digital mock-ups or concept sketches of proposed works or installations. These visual
    representations can help reviewers better understand your vision and the potential outcome of
    your project, making your ideas more tangible and easier to visualize.

Able to Fund:

  • Artist Fees
  • Project-related Travel Expenses within the state of New York
  • Marketing/Publicity Costs
  • Expendable Project-related Supplies + Materials
  • Project-related Rentals of Space + Equipment

Funding can encompass a wide range of creative projects including, but not limited to:

  • Creation of New Work: Development and production of original art pieces in any medium, such as painting, sculpture, mixed media, digital art, and more.
  • Creative Research: Investigative and exploratory work that informs and inspires artistic practice.
    This includes experimentation with new techniques, materials, and concepts, as well as in-depth study of artistic themes, histories, and methodologies.
  • Performance Art: Conceptualization and execution of performance-based art, including theater, dance, music, and multidisciplinary performances.
  • Public Art: Installation and presentation of art in public spaces, enhancing community engagement and cultural visibility. This includes murals, sculptures, installations, and interactive art.

Importantly, while projects may include public components like exhibitions, showcases, or events, they are not required to do so. The primary focus is on supporting the artist’s creative process and the development of their work.

Unable to Fund:

  • Non-arts-related activities
  • Presentation or completion of existing work
  • Awards: competitions or contests
    Includes cash prizes, juried shows, fellowships, scholarships, and other awards or regrants by
    applicants to fund other activities
  • Use of Non-ADA compliant venues
  • Entertainment costs
    Includes receptions, food, or alcohol
  • Programs in which children are used as professional artists (paid a fee), projects which are part of a liturgy, or which intend to proselytize
  • Student projects


A peer panel of artists, arts administrators and educators, and community leaders review grant applications. They study the applications, review artistic samples and other documentation for several weeks before convening as a panel to discuss each one and make funding
recommendations based on local Evaluation Criteria and Funding Priorities.

Post-award Responsibilities and Expectations
The following three items must be completed before receiving grant funds:

  • Submit a W-9 for the applicant
  • Sign and adhere to the terms of the project contract
  • Conduct all funded activities as described in your Project Narrative and application
  • Prominently and correctly credit the grant funding as follows:
    “Made possible with funds from The Arts Center of the Capital Region and the National
    Endowment for the Arts.”
  • Must include The Arts Center’s logo.
  • Immediately notify the ACCR in writing regarding any changes to your project. All changes to funded projects are subject to approval by the ACCR.
  • Submit a final report within 30 days of the completion of the last funded event of the project.


Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance sessions allow for you to ask specific questions about your proposal and have a draft version of your application and budget reviewed prior to submission. Sessions can be conducted via email, over the phone, or in person and are available by appointment in 30 minute
time on a first-come, first-served basis. Using this service will assist you in submitting an effective application. You may contact for more information.

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