In this series, we will learn the magical world of collage! We will learn how we can utilize collage in printmaking, writing, and personal murals. Come as your authentic self to express yourself in a safe, affirmative, and intentional creative environment!
Event Details
3/26/2025 - 4/9/2025 | Art After-School! Grades 6th - 8th: Collage All About It! @ The Arts Center of The Capital Region
Click here to get directions from Google Maps (this link opens in a new tab).
Day 1: March 26, 2025
Day 2: April 02, 2025
Day 3: April 09, 2025
Start time:
04:00 p.m.EST
End time:
06:00 p.m.EST
Venue: The Arts Center of the Capital Region, 265 River St. Troy, NY 12180
Coordinates: 42.7320° N, 73.6915° W
Phone: (518) 273-0552